Friday, July 31, 2009

Golf Putters

Good evening! Here at Ver-Trac we are please to give you another hidden gem. Today is a great article about putting. In this article you will learn many factors involved with each and every putt you attempt. The Author, Ben Holloway, breaks down the art of putting. Enjoy, and be sure to check back daily as we have been gathering FREE give aways for our visitors. We plan to give away alot of golf related items as well as a wide variety of everyday life valuables. Be sure to add this blog to your daily routine and be sure to tell your friends. We encourage you to stop by and leave feedback.

Golf Putters

Author: Ben Holloway

Arguably the greatest difference in style and design of club in golfers’ bags must be the golf putter and each, individual, golfer will have different requirements when it comes to finding the one that is perfect for their own method of play. There, surely, can be no greater feeling of satisfaction to a golfer than to finally master the art of putting but it can be a long slow process, with many hours of practice before that conclusion is reached. However a golfer that opts for a putter that matches how their game is played will improve the chances of their shot landing in the hole: A well played putting stroke will be played when the golfer utilises a pendulum motion from the shoulder and causes the shoulder muscles, the upper back, chest, upper arms, forearms and wrists to work as one complete unit and allows the putter to swing back and forth with smooth controlled movements, without any sudden jerks or tics. A golfer that has managed to perfect this manoeuvre will require a golf putter that produces greater accuracy and provides the golfer with increased ball control and would, probably, seek a conventional shaft, which produces the correct putting stance, with a traditional blade clubhead which gives greater feel of the ball. A golfer that finds it difficult to control wrist movement, or suffers from the yips (described as an involuntary movement of the lower arms and wrists that can be brought on by nervous tension, even in professional golfers) may discover that a belly putter would be the ideal weapon in their putting arsenal. Whilst nearly maintaining the correct stance a belly putter restricts the movement of the wrists and lower arms by anchoring the putter to the … belly. The long putter anchors to the chest creating a pendulum motion from the shoulders and removes any problems that a golfer may have with his wrist action. The broomstick putter, with which it is also known, can help to improve consistency of putt, but, will provide less distance control and will lack the feel of a conventional putter. Golfbuyitonline supply a range of putters that help golfers to achieve the perfect money shot with more consistency and accuracy than they believed possible.

Article Source:

Hit the practice greens! Good luck from Ver-Trac

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Working On Your Short Game

As promised in our introduction yesterday, we plan to deliver information to help you with your golf game and provide all types of information that is both interesting and unique. Today I am providing a great article written by John Woosey - "Avoid Common Golf Mistakes By Working On Your Short Game." The author touches on some great points you should find helpful. Enjoy this excellent information and good luck with your next round of golf.

Avoid Common Golf Mistakes By Working On Your Short Game

By John Woosey

We’ve just had the 2009 Open Championships at Turnberry in Scotland and many people were thrilled yet again at the climax to an exciting four days of golf. Veteran Tom Watson seemingly had the tournament wrapped up with a two stroke lead on the eventual winner Stewart Cink but the pressure got to the 59 year old and with a series of poorly hit putts he entered the downward spiral that lost him the tournament. As heartbreaking as this was to watch for the lucky crowds on the course and millions on television, if you ask any golfer they will tell you it happens to everyone now and then. You could play great for the front 9 holes but have an absolute stinker on the home stretch. In Tom’s case his short game (chipping, pitching and putting) really hurt him when it counted most and many other golfers can either send their ball off the back of the green or pitifully short of the flag if their short game isn’t up to scratch. So how can you avoid these devastating moments? Well practice is the key with many sports including golf. A key aspect of an impressive short game is often touch and taking many shots at different distances from the flag will help you to get the feel for the power and speed you should put into a shot. With chipping from short distances you are aiming to get the ball to land on the green, generally in front of the hole, as depending on your choice of club the ball can roll for a fair distance after it touches down on the green. Practicing either in your back garden or, if you’re allowed, on the edge of your local putting green try and aim your shots correctly and get used to using the correct club for the job. By doing this practice or even using various chip training aids like a net basket set at different distances you should gain distance control, a vital skill and knowledge to have when approaching the green from short distances. Although this will give you a benchmark, when out on the course, local conditions will dictate how you adapt the weight of each shot as greens can run faster and slower in wet dry and wet weather. In the case of putting you need distance control again, in the form of how much power to put into each putt. Practicing on your local putting green again will help you develop a sound judgement of how much power to put into your putt. One issue with putting is that the green is rarely even and so you should practice on various slopes and directions to know how to predict the line of each shot. Many players are surprised at how wide you need to aim your putt to get it to swoop round and back to the cup. By practicing these skills you should be able to cut down on your handicap and make those vital pulse pounding shots that can truly decide who goes home a winner.

Article Source:

About the Author:
There are many other golf related subjects that John Woosey writes on such as Golf Insurance and Travel Insurance for Golfers

Don't forget to stop by and check out our brand new custom made putter collection at:

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Launch

Allow us to introduce our newly designed putter collection, Ver-Trac. We have decided to create this blog to bring you the latest news, special offers, updates and much more involving the Ver-Trac putter collection. Secondly, we are using this blog to bring you the latest from the golf world: videos, tutorials, news updates, pictures, and much more! We want to bring golfers from all over the world to discuss all golf related topics. Our goal is to keep the content fresh and unique, therefore, please provide us with any suggestions/feedback you may have.

Check out this link to learn about the evolution of the best putter you have never heard of: The Ver-Trac brand has been created from scratch, and our goal is to make Ver-Trac a household name. These putters have been designed for results, plain and simple. One key feature, which we will break down in a later post, is that a Ver-Trac putter is designed to allow you to bring the putter head straight back and straight forward not allowing your hands to wobble. Keep checking in daily as well will break down other great Ver-Trac features as well as talk about other golf topics.

We encourage you to contact us with any questions or suggestions you have at anytime. Be sure to tell all of your friends on your email and social networking lists about this blog, we want to involve as many people as possible. Also, you can follow us on twitter to learn about quick updates at all times:

Thanks for stopping by, good luck to you for your next round of golf. Stop by and tell us where you played and how it went!